Thanks for taking the time to learn a bit more about me. If you’d like to get in touch, please send me a message.
I describe myself as an “Evangelically passionate, but a methodical, pragmatic, credible, trusted advisor.”
Actually, there’s much more to me and my background than just that. Want to know more? Keep going below.
I am an independent change management consultant practitioner with over 20 years of experience.
I use a practical, executable methodology that defines, measures, influences, directs, and delivers my client’s change initiatives in whatever their form.
As a hybrid “strategist” and “execution / delivery” professional, I have managed and actively developed, coordinated, and delivered client-specific, “purpose-to-fit” change programs.
I have delivered measurable results and outcomes based on my client’s objectives, goals, and metrics. The types of programs I typically support are:
I am a consultant practitioner specializing in Organizational Change Management with extensive experience around complex technology initiatives; organization assessment, design, and restructuring; and strategic business transformation.
My philosophy is that organizational change management addresses the “human side” of change. It is the analysis and strategy, methodology and delivery, of tools and programs that successfully deliver change. Change Management invests in the human capital that delivers business results. Most strategic change initiatives fail, not because they are unfeasible or technically unsound, but because of people and human psychology.
As a change consultant, I use a practical, executable methodology that defines, measures, influences, directs, and delivers the client’s change initiative in whatever its form. The methodology is tailored “purpose to fit” to meet client needs, and includes:
Over the past 20 years I have managed multiple change implementation projects across multiple industry sectors, including management of both small and large teams that developed, coordinated, and delivered the change implementation program.
I typically report directly to the leadership and management who are ultimately responsible for executing the change initiative (Transformation Office, Information Systems, Human Resources, or Enterprise Change Management Office), including matrixed reporting relationships to multiple business sponsors since change initiatives frequently involve multiple organizational areas.
In summary, my primary strength is an ability to help the business know the value of, role, and impact of organizational change management. My primary goal is knowledge transfer and transformation so the practice of change management delivers the results sought by the business.