If you’re looking for an Organization Change Management consultant and practitioner, you’ve come to the right place!
As for what I do professionally, my “elevator speech” sums it up best: I help all kinds of leaders and project managers ensure their people, teams, or businesses and organizations are ready, willing, and able to make those hard changes that they couldn’t do by themselves.
Effective organizational change management addresses the human side of change … It is the analysis & strategy, and the methodology & delivery of tools and programs that successfully deliver change.
My primary strength is an ability to help the business know the value, role and impact of organizational change management. My primary goal is knowledge transfer and transformation so the practice of change management delivers the results sought by the business.
Just so you’re not confused, Protean Ventures is the legal, corporate entity that I use to make it easy to deliver services to my clients and to pay taxes to the government. But Protean Ventures is really about Steve Kotsines.